Sabtu, 26 Mei 2012

First Post =)

Hi! I'm a new blogger :). By the way, if you don't mind, follow my personal Twitter yeah hihi!/Auliadenti and Add me at Facebook Ehm, maybe I just post some my own pictures and pitures of my besties :D I love them so much! I'm nothing without them. And I wanna tell something, maybe just a little about my beloved besties :D check it out!

Me at my bedroom. Took by webcam :)

Okay just one yeah ahaha :D . Like I said, I wanna tell you something about my besties. Listen! =)

1. Sekar kinanti or Sekar ;)

She is a smart person, funny person, a teenagers! :D
Ehm, She has black skin but her face is sweet. Her laugh sometimes make me laugh too. She has taught me how to be a stronger girl, and ehm I don't know but thanks a lot for being my bestfriend :') She always give me support to rise from my problem. When I cried, she always say it to me "You're ugly when you sad. keep smiling ;)" yeah like this.
Yeah, maybe just it ;) and one p.s for my bestie "Be patient and keep strong! I believe you can" You can add her at facebook and follow her at Twitter!/sekarkinanti42 -Love

2. Natasia Khawani Simatupang or Natasia ;)

She is a chubby girl, a smart person, a funny person. Is She beautiful? I think yes She is =) look at the her long dress! Cool! ;). Ehm.. She is very fanatic in One Direction! Her husband is Niall Horan xD haha kidding ^-^v . We always make a lots of jokes and we were laughing too much until have a stomachache or couln't breath. It was ! Oh yeah, She was live in Palembang, one of province in Sumatera, Indonesia. Before she live there, She lived at Semarang one of province in Java, Indonesia. I had many pictures of her :/ . Ehm.. She love photography too! (\^-^/) I still remember, We were dance in my friend's home and many people looked at us, so we stopped our dance ahaha xD it was embarrasing but aaa I like it! I think enough about Natasia. Follow her at Twitter!/NatasiaOfficial and add her at Facebook and her blog -Love

3. Meygita Hosana Kesaulya or Gita ;)

Gita is wearing glasess. How? Is she cute? I think YES! She is funny person, cool person, smart, a writer, a blogger and love photography too! ^-^9
She always make me laughing too much of her jokes and do you know? She is fashionable or ehm charming :D. I think she is a stronger girl ;) friendly, ehm I don't know haha ^-^v . I miss our journey! Journey? What's the journey? I don't know :p hihi forget it! If you have a time, open her blog! and don't forget open her Twitter!/teermooss and at Facebook :) . Her blog is cool! -Love

4. Nadya Krisma Yoga or Nadya ;)

Hoho, she is funny person, a kind friend, a smart girl, and she is my girlfriend xoxo kidding x) . Ehm.. I don't know how to describe Nadya, because she is calm and piecefull hiihi. And thank you for being my bestfriend, I will nothing without you. Sometimes, Nadya made jokes and I or my bestfriend else laughing and sometimes we can't breath. I'm sure She is kind friend! Always understand what our feeling and sometimes she give a solution ;;) If you have a time, you could open her Facebook ;;) She has an acc on Twitter but I forget hihi sorry ;* -Love

To be continue ;) (^-^)v

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